The Power of Words

You’re Intolerant! Tolerance is defined as the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.  The very definition tells us that we don’t like what we’re putting up with, which is the core tenet of the word. There can be no doubt…

You’re Intolerant!

Tolerance is defined as the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.  The very definition tells us that we don’t like what we’re putting up with, which is the core tenet of the word.

There can be no doubt that cultural Marxism is the ideology du jour in the western world. To achieve its insidious agenda, it uses many weapons of psychological manipulation: mass media, the internet, and social engineering just to name a few. The one thing linking these weapons is language. Whether written or spoken, language is the primary delivery system for the subversive payload of this movement, and without it the agenda would obviously fail.

As the saying goes, “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will eventually come to believe it.”

Marxism: The economic, social, political, pseudo-scientific philosophy, theory, belief, or system based on the works of Karl Marx of Germany. The theory seeks the elimination of the notion of private property in order to gain control of the economic “means of production” by taking it from the bourgeois (the wealthy or propertied class) for the benefit of the proletariat (working class.) His philosophy of history was called “historical materialism” in which his goal was to bring about the end of history, by means of an eventual perfect, classless, utopian society he called Communism.

Marxism seeks to promote class warfare or, today, at least, class strife, and succeeds best where clear, major delineations exist between classes. Since the USA has an enormous natural “middle class” and little or no obvious delineation between classes, Marxism has only made inroads there among the Secularist.

I submit that the entire main stream news media, both print and electronic, the majority of publishing houses, the overwhelming majority in show biz, the near unanimous voice heard from the upper echelons of academia, most levels of the court system, almost all of the Democratic Party, and some of the Republican Party are secularist.

That is, they seek to actively secularize or religiously cleanse the public square and much of the rest of American society. Predominantly, they seek to suppress open expressions of Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular, with the occasional bone tossed to other religions. The more familiar term is removing the Bible from the public square.

It is Christianity, the religion of the majority, that they seek to eliminate completely from the entire public sphere. This means public schools, public buildings, organizations and associations and clubs, even the market place. The goal is to drive Christianity into the strictly private sphere where expression of religion may not ever be seen in public. 

This is the religious cleansing of the American public square and the American people, and it is the primary focus of the slime. The slimc absolutely despises any open Christian religious exercise, or even the slightest religious expression, the First Amendment Constitutional right to free religious exercise notwithstanding.


Today the older and more honored usage of the term Liberal has been overridden by the hard, cold reality that those who describe themselves as Liberal today are in fact more accurately described as Leftist, a term that is near synonymous with the term Marxist.

They would prefer to call themselves Socialist, but the great Social thinker all Socialists quote the most is Karl Marx. And I’m sorry, but Karl Marx didn’t write any Socialist Manifesto; what he wrote was the Communist Manifesto, and he was no great Socialist thinker, but a dark, brooding malcontent and a bloody revolutionary. The sliome is, overwhelmingly and almost definitively, Marxist.

Intellectual / Expert

Those who deal professionally with ideas and who present them in public are generally known as the intelligentsia, or the intellectual community of a culture. Today’s American has replaced the intellectual with the so called expert. No truth and no critical thinking. There is no wisdom.


  1. The major networks. ABC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, CNN (Communist News Network), MSN.
  2. Very nearly every single major newspaper in America.
  3. Very nearly every single news magazine in America.

Show Biz

Popular music, with the single most frequent exceptions being found in the Country genre.

If there is anything that can be counted on today, it is that the news we will read or watch or listen to will have a secularist, Leftist, and generally anti-Western culture spin. Movies may be depended upon to have villains who are racist, associated with evil industry, toxic waste, ecological disaster, greed, and utimately anti bible.

Military Industral Complex

In his 1961 farewell speech, President Eisenhower warned of potential danger from the growing influence of a possible future military industrial complex, something to be on guard against, lest it come into existence and gain unwarranted power. The Leftist media pounced on that term and has never let go; within weeks of the speech, the Left was reporting in the news that they were seeing a military industrial complex under every bed in America. That remains the condition of reporting on it today, although none has ever been observed or documented or even shown to exist.

Verbal Engineering

In 1949, George Orwell, unfurled his vision of a nightmarish future in 1984. “Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible because there will be no words in which to express it.” Orwell’s protagonist, Winston Smith, learned something about his world: When words are eliminated from the common vocabulary, the thinking of the common people becomes limited.

Later, his novel showed how perceptions are manipulated when the definitions of fundamental words are changed, i.e., peace becomes defense which then becomes war – a classic illustration of Hegel’s dialectic. Here, the thesis – or status quo – refers to the current usage of the word. When it undergoes a slight change in meaning towards its antithesis, a new synthesis is born. If enough incremental changes occur, eventually the antithesis is established.

I Believe that we are on this critical road, Lord Help Us.

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