God Created Families

Abolish the Family is the catchy title of a new book by Sophie Lewis that in her view say’s, the family is a terrible way to satisfy all of our desires for love, care, and nourishment. Sophie Lewis is just one of many so called modern feminist writers who believe the nuclear family is “the most fundamental unit of privatisation and…

Abolish the Family is the catchy title of a new book by Sophie Lewis that in her view say’s, the family is a terrible way to satisfy all of our desires for love, care, and nourishment.

Sophie Lewis is just one of many so called modern feminist writers who believe the nuclear family is “the most fundamental unit of privatisation and scarcity in our society” and therefore want to see it terminated. the Left’s desire to abolish the family is nothing new. Both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels saw the destruction of the family as absolutely essential to the success of communism, our as we would say in modern day america the Democratic Communist party.

God created humanity to exist as a family, in families. The family is God’s idea! Even before governments were set up in the earth, God established the family, first through Adam and Eve, one man and one woman, as a complete covering for the children, in the Garden of Eden. Since we’re made in his image and likeness, which is that of the Father and the Son existing in familial love so unfathomable that it is the person of the Holy Spirit, founding Christian families is an antidote to society’s ails

The family is under attack, you don’t have to be a believer, a Christian to recognize how  divorce and pornography and gay marriage and so many other moral issues are breaking the fabrice of the family. Have you ever considered how many of these moral issues relate directly to family? If you look, you will see that the very notion of family, family as the Bible describes it, is under sustained and heavy attack.

We know that a distinctly Christian notion of family is crucial to raising children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. But there is more at stake than raising the next generation of Christians. Family is crucial in at least two other ways: It teaches us fundamental truths of the Christian faith and it serves as an important kind of ministry.

God Teaches Us Through Family

God uses family to teach us. There are several areas of Christian life and doctrine that God chooses to explain to us through metaphor, and one common metaphor is family. There are parts of Christian life and doctrine we can only rightly understand if we first understand family as God creates and intends it.

By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. (1 John 5:2)

He is loving and giving, and puts us in families so we can understand more about how much He loves us. By loving each other, and all people, we show God’s love for one another, and people who aren’t even in our families. We also show love for one another when we love God and obey His commandments.

The family is where we understand much about how God loves us because we are shown love by our mother and father and brothers and sisters. And we show them love. When we show love to each other, we are showing how God feels about us.
To Love is to Obey

One way we show love and respect to our parents is by following their rules and being respectful while we do it. Obeying our parents is one of God’s commands for us. So obeying our parents is one of the ways we show love for Jesus.

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Col 3:20

The Defeated Enemy is Trying to Hurt Our Families!

The enemy hates families and tries to make us not obey our parents, and also tries to make brothers and sisters mad at each other so they won’t want to be families anymore. Sadly, the devil has made many people very angry at each other and has succeeded in destroying many families, and that has caused a lot of hurt to this whole world. But you and I are not going to let him split our families up, are we?! No!

 Show Love to Our Families

When we know Jesus, we have power in prayer to stop the enemy’s work against our families. Even if the rest of our family is not saved, we keep on praying and know that the Lord God hears our prayers, for we are praying in His perfect will!

And, we can show our love for our families by saying sweet things to them, hugging them, telling them “thank you for being so wonderful,” smiling at them a lot, bragging on them to others, baking cookies for them (with Mom or Dad’s or big sister’s help), drawing them pretty pictures and writing them love notes or poems.

Your family is a precious gift from God, and we say, “Thank You, Jesus, for our families! Help us to show them more love today!”

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