The D-Education of America

The church has historically promoted education and the improvement of the mind. The Reformer John Calvin was a strong advocate for universal education, believing that every child should be trained in reading, writing, math, and grammar, as well as religion. Martin Luther taught that education was essential, “both to understand the Word of Scripture and…

The church has historically promoted education and the improvement of the mind. The Reformer John Calvin was a strong advocate for universal education, believing that every child should be trained in reading, writing, math, and grammar, as well as religion. Martin Luther taught that education was essential, “both to understand the Word of Scripture and the nature of the world in which the Word would take root.”

The modern Sunday school movement began in 1780 when Robert Raikes began educating poor children who were otherwise overlooked by society. Most universities, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Oxford, and Cambridge, were founded by Christians as religious schools.

Education begins with the reality of God’s existence and the fact that He has communicated to us through creation, His Word, and His Son. As we learn more of God’s creation, our understanding of God’s wisdom and power deepens. As we study God’s Word, we become more equipped for God’s work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). As we grow in our knowledge of God’s Son (2 Peter 3:18), our love for Him increases and our service for Him intensifies.

  • The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Prov 9:10

Bible Prayer Removed From Schools

On June 25, 1962, the United States Supreme Court decided in Vitale that a prayer approved by the New York Board of Regents for use in schools violated the First Amendment by constituting an establishment of religion.

The following year 1963, in Abington School District v. Schempp, the Court disallowed Bible readings in public schools for similar reasons. These two Supreme Court decisions centered on the place of religion in public education.

Both decisions ultimately changed the face of American civil society, and in turn, helped usher in the last half-century of the culture wars.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan estimated that 82% of this country’s public schools are not passing the test in educating our children. Learn about the remnants of the No Child Left Behind Act and how the Obama administration plans to raise the bar on standards of education in this country.

Average scores between 2020 and 2022 in math and reading fell “by a level not seen in decades,” according to CNN’s report:

7 points down in math – the first decline ever.

  • 5 points down in reading – the largest decline since 1990.

If we are not teaching math and reading What’s Really Going On

Nothing changes a society more over the long term than the way we teach our children, what we teach them, and how we teach them. If you want to pass on your values, you tell your kids about them. So school matters maybe more than anything.

The Gender Unicorn  

Starting as early as preschool and kindergarten, taxpayer money is funding radical sex education content. Just one example is the Gender Unicorn a purple cartoon image featuring hearts and rainbows. Adopted in 2016 

The character is designed to look endearing to young children, similar to the popular Barney or Boz. However, this unicorn walks students through self-selecting their gender identity, their gender expression, the gender they’re physically attracted to, and the gender they’re emotionally attracted to.

Each option includes not only categories such as women/men and feminine/masculine but also “other.” Even their “sex assigned at birth” is open to interpretation — it includes female and male, but also “other/intersex.”

Washington State’s Alberta Teacher’s Association includes the Gender Unicorn in their 152-page teacher toolkit aimed at cultivating LBGTQ-inclusive classrooms..

Bathrooms   Locker Rooms Athletic Fields & Arenas

The indoctrination of the young doesn’t end in elementary classrooms. Students of all ages are not only allowed but encouraged to use the school bathroom of their choosing: boys or girls, men or women, male or female. Furthermore, in the name of “safety,” an increasing number of districts restrict faculty and staff from entering these student bathrooms to ensure nothing inappropriate or unsafe occurs.

Parental Consent & School Deceit

Parental consent was once a basic requirement, parents were deemed to have the final say regarding what was taught to their elementary, middle and high school students. No more. Consent is not sought or granted, school personnel are even instructed to deceive parents.

Gender Pronouns

Student confusion is further fueled by the new norm of public school teachers and administrators listing the pronouns they desire to be referred by. According to the Trans Student Educational Resources (TSER) website, “There are no ‘male/female’ or ‘man/woman’ pronouns. All pronouns can be used for any gender and are gender neutral.” Furthermore, pronouns should not be referred to as “preferred” as that “can accidentally insinuate that using the correct pronouns for someone is optional.


One of the most quoted proverbs in the Bible. Proverbs 22:6, Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.. When a child is raised with the right values, and the right perspective, those lessons will last a lifetime

Improving education is about biblical community. That is, scripture compels believers to intervene on behalf of society’s most vulnerable, and to effect the communities in which we live, by being the hands, feet, eye’s mouth of Jesus. Be the example to society, that encludes our schools this certainly includes children. The same Spirit who animates activism on behalf of unborn children fuels action for children in the public school system.

All human beings, from conception throughout life, are made in the image of God and worthy of dignity and respect. Children are a blessing from the Lord. And Jesus broadcasts His love for children in the Gospels (Matt. 19:14; Luke 18:29). Protecting life isn’t just for children in the womb; it must extend to every aspect of a person’s well-being. A biblically pro-life stance should also enclude biblical truth.

Public education isn’t just about individuals; it’s about community. Public schools form the cornerstone of any community. They are centers where family, economics, civics, and numerous other social factors intersect. Improved public education is a positive good not only for kids but also the common good.

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