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WRGO Podcast
Forget About Tomorrow What About Today? P1
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September 3, 2024
But God told Samuel, “Looks aren’t everything. Don’t be impressed with his looks and stature. I’ve already eliminated him. God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart.”
Listen →October 23, 2023
We should view ourselves as stewards who have been entrusted with time, money, and abilities, which we are to use for the Kingdom work. After telling His disciples to seek for His kingdom, Jesus goes on to exhort them to be ready for His return, because when He comes, He will judge everyone. ARE YOU READY!
Listen →August 31, 2023
God created man and woman after His own image, and part of being in His image is that we are to reflect His character.
Listen →WRGO Podcast is a thirty-minute, issues-oriented live talk radio program heard weekly nationwide. Bishop C.S. Miller will cover the full spectrum of life issues and current events that affect our faith, family, government, education, and basic freedoms from a Biblical perspective.
My prayer is that you will find this broadcast encouraging and though provoking.
Bishop C.S. Miller
Bishop C. S. Miller is a native of Indianapolis, Indiana and married to his high school sweetheart, of over 40 years, a father and grandfather and a United States Army retiree. Has served in pastoral ministry for 26 years in various positions with the Church of God, Cleveland, TN. Founder and Senior Evangelist of Elisha Ministries. An innovative and progressive ministry. The mission of Elisha Ministries is to aggressively declare the gospel of Jesus Christ, to go into all the world and make disciples of all people. To Reach the Lost, Build the Church, and Establish His Kingdom.
WRGO What’s Really Going On?
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